Category: Small Business

The best place to look for holiday seasonal work in 2014

The best place to look for holiday seasonal wor...

Is it too late to try to find a holiday seasonal job? Where should I look for? 2019 was a great year for the holidays to find a job, it can be a good way to earn some extra cash, your foot in the door a long-term career. “We can see the retailer since 1999,

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7 challenge facing the new Republican majority ...

Republicans today’s era of their most successful Tuesday night in a mid-term election, bull rushed control of the Senate in their way, and from the inside since 1928 to reach the largest House majority arrival. Now, they must strive to narrow the gap between some of the party’s staunch conservative presidential candidates, including Senator Texas

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7 challenge facing the new Republican majority at the top of
The housing market will improve in 2020

The housing market will improve in 2020

Heading into the tank for eight years, the housing market is finally near normal. By 2019, the sales of existing homes likely to match or top an average of 1999-2002, before the purchase frenzy seized the US rental market has been strong multi-family residential buildings returned to historical levels. The big exception is the new

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US manufacturers a roll

US manufacturing sector, 2019 promises to be another good year, again slightly improve the performance of the economy as a whole, the annual growth of about 3.5%, and the same years. After decades-long slide in the share of the GDP share of the manufacturing sector’s share in the overall share of the economy to stabilize

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US manufacturers a roll